D-Link Unifi Turbo Router Upgrade

You probably heard of D-Link before. They are one of the older brands in the consumer wireless router industry. Well, they recently come up with a new line up of routers specially designed for TM Unifi Turbo with different models for different speed.

We decided to give D-Link wireless routers a try and see how good they actually are and put them in our own speed test to see what speed they can reach. 

Good Router + Good Receiver = Good Speed

To get a good WiFi speed, you need a combination of good Wireless Router and good receiver. Thankfully, D-Link has both, providing you with a complete solution for your home WiFi networking. Let’s start with router, they are getting a lot more affordable lately. 

D-Link Unifi Turbo Routers

These are the latest lineup of D-Link Wireless Router designed specifically for Unifi Turbo. They all comes with Gigabit Ethernet and 4 antennas. The major differences are the internal hardware specifications and the WiFi capability.

Click here for D-Link Unifi setup guide. 

D-Link USB WiFi Adapter

Having a good Wireless Router is not the full story. We will need a good receiver in order to have good WiFi speeds as well. This is where D-Link USB WiFi Adapters come in. Make sure you get a good USB WiFi adapter in order to get a good speed. 


AC1900 USB WiFi Adapter with MU-MIMO support.


AC1200 USB WiFi Adapter with MU-MIMO support.


AC600 USB WiFi Adapter.
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